Flash or Update Firmware lenovo Tab3 7 plus TB 7703x Easy Firmware
Download Tools
Download SW
What will be required
– Charged (at least 70%) device – for safety, since the first start eats a lot of energy.
– Regardless of what kind of firmware you currently have installed, delete the account in the settings menu and reset to factory settings !!!
– PC with Windows XP / 7/8 x86 or x64 (Recommended Windows 7 x86 / x64).
– Cord for connection to PC,
– The firmware itself (For PC!) And the driver (links are attached to the bottom).
1. Install Andy Plus Driver 1.0.2
Since the installer is in Chinese – do not look at the language, we always choose the “middle button” (the defaults).
2. Installing Lenovo USB Driver 1.1.33
3. Unpack “AndyPlusMultiflash” into a folder without spaces and Russian letters in the path (this is important, otherwise the program will not see your device).
4. Unpack the firmware for your device (SW folder) and copy ALL folder contents to the AndyPlusMultiflash \ images folder

5. Run “MultiFlash.exe” as administrator. (As a rule, you do not need to change the program settings). After startup, the following window will appear:

6. If you have already deleted your Google account, then go to the next item, if not – then delete (settings – accounts – Google – delete).
7. We transfer the device to the Fastboot mode (turn off the device, hold down and hold the volume down and power button, keep until the picture appears):

8. Connect the device to the computer. If everything is done correctly, the firmware will start automatically:

9. The firmware takes, as a rule, 6-7 minutes. At the end of the process the program will report with the status of “Pass”:

10. Disconnect the device. We turn on the power button. The first download can be long, up to 15 minutes.After boot, do not reset or wipe, As it will be necessaryChange region code, Because the creators of the firmware did not provide that users will flash their devices from the PC. Only air updates were planned, in which case the region code was applied initially (until 2014 the region codes were not used in principle or were automatically applied by auto-determining the region by the inserted user’s SIM card).
11. Enter the initial settings (no matter what – after applying the region code, the smartphone will be reset to the factory settings). Open the dialing application (dialer) and dial the code as shown below:

12. Choose your region (in the picture Russia):

13. Confirm the selection (for example, Russia):

14. After that, the smartphone will reboot into the recovery and apply the selected region.
After rebooting it is recommended to manually reset the settings – for the final erase of the tails!
If everything went well, you will receive a phone with installed firmware and the correct region.